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How to share a direct link to a product

Learn how to share links to content items with other users

Direct links to content items in Attensi could be shared with other users by copying the URL in a browser when viewing a product from a computer, then sharing that as a link with another user. This only works for users accessing content on computers.

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If a user visits the link while on a mobile device, it will open in their default browser rather than the Attensi "SKILLS" app. Navigating Attensi on a mobile device via a browser is not fully supported by Attensi โ€“ the SKILLS app is the suggested method of accessing Attensi on a mobile device

You can share direct links to any content item in Attensi including:

  • SKILLS content
  • Videos
  • PDFs
  • News posts
Observe how the URL changes when selecting a content item in
Observe how the URL changes when selecting a content item in
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