Find out how to change the phone number you use to access your Attensi account
How to reset your password for the “username and password” login option
Have an employee that works at Supercuts as well as another brand? Learn how to give them access to both brands.
Find out why a new employee may not be immediately showing up in Attensi.
Learn how Attensi user data is synced with Zenoti and your options for giving an employee greater visibility in Attensi
Want to know how to remove an employee from Attensi or want to know why they are showing up in the first place?
Discover how to give trainers (i.e. Design Team members, Certified Technical Trainers, or Technical Trainers) access to unique educator content in Attensi.
Troubleshoot why unwanted employees are showing in your list of users.
Troubleshoot removing closed salons displaying in Attensi